Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Fever

Spring is in the air, and I've got the fever!  I am just in a cooking, cleaning, organizing, declutering, crafting, making my life better all around mood and I'm loving it!  I was feeling pretty down, and gloomy, and just plain grouchy, and then Ms. Brenda gave me an idea.  Last Tuesday we were talking about how terribly awful my house was and how I didn't have the time (er, make the time) or energy (yes, I know that it's because I'm just plain lazy) to do anything about it.  Ms. Brenda said that when her house would get that way she used to just take a few days off of work and do something about it.  Genius!!  I took off Thursday and Friday of last week and did just that!  It was so wonderful!  I'm usually already off on Wednesdays anyways, so I had a 5 day weekend, and it was just what the doctor ordered! 

Wednesday morning we spent the morning all of us together and Nic and I started on the living room... The main thing that we did was to pull the couch out and really clean under and behind it.  I'm ashamed at how much that was needed.  Funny part is that our couch is sunfaded on the back from being in front of the window :)  Then that afternoon while Nic went to school/work Nigel and I ran some errands... I don't know what it is about running errands just Nigel and I that makes me feel like the stay at home mom that I so long to be... I know that it's weird, but it just does.  All of my stay at home mom friends are always talking about all of the things that they do with their children and all of the errands they run and rooms that they clean and I just envy them so! 

Thursday, Nic and I had a date day.  I know that one of my biggest complaints is that I feel like I don't get to spend enough time with Nigel, but I need more time with Nic, too.  So much of the time I feel like we're just "Mommy and Daddy" and we've lost "Nic and Liz", so it was wonderful to have a day of just that.  We didn't even go out there for lunch, we just went to Bernie's and enjoyed each others company.  We spent the morning reorganizing and cleaning the living room... I swear we're going to wear out my poor vacuum cleaner before we're done!! Then we went to lunch, came home and spent some more time together, then took a trip to Walmart... Just the 2 of us!!  I'd forgotten how much easier that is :)  Now don't get me wrong, I love Nigel more than life itself, but I really and truly thoroughly enjoyed the time just the two of us.  We need to do that far more often.  We never really had to WORK at our relationship before Nigel, and now that he's here, we're having to do more work, but it is well worth it.  If we can't be a good Nic and Liz then we can't be a good Mommy and Daddy.  Plus, it made it that much sweeter to go pick up our little one that evening, and spend the evening with him. 

Friday, we didn't get as much done, but we sure did have fun.  I had to deliver a Scentsy order to Miranda who works at Protective Life Insurance up at Brookwood, so we all loaded up in my car and headed up there.  Well, while we were in the area we HAD to go to the new Toys R Us in the Summit!  We needed to exchange some screen protectors for Nic's DSi XL, so while we were there we might as well look around a little bit.  We spent and hour and a half in that store!!!  My goodness!  But we had fun, and got some things that we needed.  I feel like for his entire life (you know the past 10 months) that I have been perpetually behind in sock sizes for Nigel.  I'll get bigger socks, and they're already too small!  Frustrating!  They were having a sale on socks and so I finally got some that really and truly do fit him... Thank goodness!  We also got him a new pair of brown shoes, since he'd grown out of his boots :( And had some fun taking pictures of him in hats and sunglasses :)

Friday evening Nic went with Josh to see Star Wars Ep. 1 in 3D... Again... And Nigel and I were going to have an evening just the 2 of us, but Mom and Granny ended up coming over for dinner... But we sure did like the White Chicken Enchilladas that I got the recipe for off of pinterest :)

Saturday was a day filled with my new hobbies!  A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to be a photographer, but I didn't know if I was any good because I primarily take pictures of Nigel and ANYBODY could take good pictures of that cutie, so I had to talk someone else in to letting me take pictures of them.  My step-sister, Katie, is knocked up, so I talked her into letting me take her maternity photos :)  I think they turned out pretty well if I do say so myself.  They're no Bethany Odom photos, but I think they're pretty good... I would like a better camera, though (the one that I have that was a birthday present from Nic a few years ago is great, but I would prefer one with manual focus... If anyone was wondering what to get me when they win the lottery :D ).

Here's just a preview of them and the rest can be found on my facebook page:

 Miranda has agreed to let me take her and Danny's engagement pictures... eventually :) 
After Katie and Baby Abby's photoshoot, we loaded up the car and drove to Rainbow... City that is :)  Alright, enough with the random Beverly Hillbillies humor... For Bekah's Scentsy party... My very first in home party.  I think that it went pretty well, and we definitely enjoyed getting to hang out with Blake, Rebekah, and Baby David for the afternoon :)

Last night I must have been bitten by the fever bug again, because I had to make myself go to bed shortly after midnight because I was reorganizing our bedroom and didn't want to stop! 
We've been doing really well following our meal plan.  I still haven't filled out past March, but I know that I'll get to it.  We're enjoying eating at home more, and given that we live in the sticks, not only is it saving us money, but it's actually giving us more time in the evenings, because we're not having to drive somewhere!  And we're enjoying all of the new recipes that I've collected from Pinterest and the Girls Night Out that I went to at the end of February!
I had an absolutely wonderful weekend, and feel so wonderful and refreshed.  I feel like my old self again.  I'm tired of being the bitter, angry, cranky person that I allowed myself to become over the last several months, and am enjoying the return of Liz, and the "spring" that I've got back in my step.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that lizzy. :D. Maybe you could find a photography class somewhere or even online if that's something you want to pursue. :D.
