Friday, March 23, 2012

Oh, what a night...

Let me preface this by saying that I have the utter most respect for law enforcement officers.  They put their lives on the line everyday to protect people that don't appreciate it, feel inconvenienced, bemoan, and disobey them (kind of like those in the military).  They have hard jobs that take them away from their families at all hours of the day.  I can only imagine what that's like.  People can be so rude to civil servants, and it's disgusting.  That being said... I hate it when they get a chip on their shoulder and feel like they can just be rude to everyone!  We've run in to that a few times at traffic stops, and then again last night... And here we begin our story...

Granny finally got her money from the V.A., so she bought us a new dishwasher, since we'd sold ours when we moved in to take care of them.  We went to Lowe's Sunday before last to order it.  It was supposed to come in to the Lowe's store this coming Monday and then be delivered to us on Tuesday.  I happened to realize after a week of waiting impatiently, that on the receipt it told you how you could track your order, so everyday this week I kept looking it up to see if it had come in early, and Jackpot!! yesterday it said "Delivered."  I called the store to see if they would be delivering it earlier than scheduled since it came to the store earlier, or if I could come and get it if they were still planning to deliver on Tuesday.  They said that the earliest that they could deliver it would be Sunday, at which point I told him "I'll see you tonight!!" (I was a little excited if you can't tell :D)

We got there at about 6:40... Nigel was asleep, so I ran in and Nic was going to stay in the van with the boy and wait for me to tell him where to pull around.  I told the lady at the check-out what I was there for and she called back to the place that you call back to to get your special order stuff (like I know what that place is called), and told me to pull around to the exit and he would be out in a few minutes.  25 minutes later, after a host of Lowe's employees kept gathering in the exit and looking out at us, and a police officer had already taken one man away in handcuffs, another police officer came and banged on the window with his flashlight (and this guy just looked like he had an attitude in general) "What are y'all doing here?  You need to move!  You're blocking everything!!" "We're picking up a dishwasher and she told us to wait here."  "Well, who is she?! You're blocking everything."  "I don't know her name, but she's right in there."  He finally started to come down off of it at this point, "Well, I'm gonna move my car, and you can pull up there so you're not blocking everything."  I don't get it!  Why on earth do you have to start out with an attitude?  Who does that help?  All he had to do was tap on the window, "Hey folks, what's going on here?"  "We're waiting on a dishwasher and she told us to park here."  "Well, this is kind of blocking everything, I'm going to move my car, and if you wouldn't mind pulling right on up there, that'd be great."  And that could have been the end of it.  Manners, people!  We did eventually get out dishwasher, though, so all is well...

Then... We went over to Wal-mart to get some dishwasher tabs, and a few other things like the basket for bottle parts (Hallelujah! I don't have to wash those blasted things by hand anymore!).  On the shelf below the bottles was an open, empty, but still bloody and icky meat tray... Someone had stolen the meat!!! What in the round world?!  Then we went to the toy section for Nic to scope out what he wanted to spend his birthday money on... Yes, he knows that he's 34 and doesn't care! :)  You know the Lego minigures?  Well they come out with a new series of them every once in a while and you can buy them idividually to collect... Scattered throughout the toy sections were 6 opened, and emptied packages of the minifigures!  Somebody had stolen Lego pieces!  Apparently, thievery was running amuck in the Wal-mart last night! 

Then... We'd finished checking out and telling the cashier about all of the stolen stuff (especially the meat tray so that somebody could go and clean that up), and the power blinked... In Wal-mart!! I thought that Wal-mart was impervious to that kind of thing... Like the White House!  They came back up, but all of the registers had restarted... I felt bad for the people with big hauls that were halfway through, and had to be re-rung.

Have you ever imagined what it would be like in the parking lot of Wal-mart if none of the lights in the parking lot were working?  Apparently, the parking lot lights are on something different than the store, because while the lights in the store came back on, the parking lot was pitch black!  It was eery!  I felt like I was in the Walking Dead, or at least I'm sure I would have if we'd bothered to watch past the first episode.  It just felt very deserted and creapy!  I was very glad that we were parked right up front and didn't have to walk to the back 40 of the lot!

Anywho... We made it home, safe and sound, after the raging cop, slow Lowe's guy, Wal-mart crime sprees, and what I'm sure the apocolypse would feel like in the parking lot of Wal-mart.  I now have a shiny new dishwasher taking up residence in my kitchen! 

I think that I might run another load of dishes tonight... Just because I can :)

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