Friday, February 24, 2012

This is the rut that will not end...

...Yes it goes on and on my friends...

So I feel like I'm in the rut that will not end.  It's making me cranky. And depressed. And lazy.  And just generally less than optimal... Or even acceptable.

I have got to snap out of it!  I feel like all I do is go to work, come home, and do nothing.  I have been getting back in the habbit of cooking lately... And if you look at how messy my kitchen is, you can tell.  Fortunately, we're having leftovers for dinner tonight, because there's not a clean dish in the kitchen.  Okay, well maybe a clean glass or two, and possibly a saucer, but that's about it.

We had gotten in to a terrible rut during my first 2 trimesters of pregnancy, but then last February we went to Lectureship at Freed-Hardeman and came home new, revitalized, and feeling good and ready to conquer the world... Which was good because it appeared that the world lived in what was to become Nigel's room, and Nigel was coming and needed a place to go...

So we got off of our bohonkus' and got to work... And it felt great!!!

But then Nigel came along, and I had to go back to work, and life got in the way... And mommy got lazy!

I don't know what really started it, but I'm unhappy with it and I'm not going to keep letting it keep me down (or at least I'm going to try)!!

I'm unhappy with my job, but given that Nigel tends to get fussy when he's not fed, I guess that mommy's job is something that I'm just going to have to get over for now, and learn to be happy in spite of it.  I've recently started selling Scentsy, and I L.O.V.E. it!  It gives me some me time, some organizing time, some creative time, and I love for the house to smell good!  I'm getting back in to meal planning, because it really does take a load off to not have to endure the 4 o'clock "What do you want for dinner?" "I don't know. What do you want for dinner?"  I really hate that! 

But last night I was laying on the couch at 8:45 dead tired and ready to go to sleep, and completely unhappy with the fact that I'd barely gotten anything done.  The house is a mess, I had just gotten in a Scentsy order that I need to sift through, I have countless books that I want read, and I hadn't even gotten through March in my meal planning for a year endevour.  I had way to much too do to be going to sleep at 8:45... So I finished the month of March... and went to sleep!!  How lazy!?

But today, as I sit at that job that i'm less than fond of, I've decided to get over it (the rut that is).  Stop spending my evenings on the couch and do the things that I love!  If I can't be happy at work, I might as well be happy at home!

Forget Lamb Chops!  This is the rut that is ending... TODAY!